Words of the day

Posted by SHVteamSouthAfrica , Tuesday 27 September 2011 12:30

Each day we've been here we've had a word of the day...words like "encouragement", "empathy", and "purpose". These words have helped focus us as a team and have started amazing conversations. Today our word was a bit less deep. Today we had FUN! We taught at a creche (preschool) called Sinothando ("Our Love" in Xhosa). We read the story of Daniel in the lions den, made paper bag lions, and we also brought our beads and made bracelets and necklaces. It was a fabulous success, especially watching the cute teachers make their own beaded bracelets. It's so great to see how much fun the adults can have with something as simple as a children's craft. In the afternoon we had another day of kid's club. It has been so much fun to see everyone open up to the children and love on them with their whole hearts! I have seen incredible growth in each of our teammembers and am very proud of the way they have served.

Tomorrow we will be switching gears completely in the morning. Instead of working with kids we will be supporting Living Hope's health care counselors for a health day in Masiphumelele. We have been told that we will be doing things like washing feet, checking blood pressure, and taking BMIs of adults in the community. Some of our team is a bit apprehensive to do this, and we know that it will take all of us out of our comfort zones, but we are excited and expectant of what God will do. Will you please be in prayer for us as we seek to serve in very tangible ways tomorrow? We would greatly appreciate it and will update you when we are done!


1 Response to "Words of the day"

Unknown Says:

Stand-by for a HUGE blessing!!!! That's what happens we we take a step of faith out of our comfort zone.

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