The Kids & Youth of Masiphumelele

Posted by SHVteamSouthAfrica , Thursday 22 September 2011 13:52

In my first couple days here I have noticed that the kids and the youth are no different then the kids in United States. What do I mean by no different? The kids in the township act the same way any child would when they are at any age group. For example, the boys are playing soccer or playing tag together and the girls are all hanging out together on one side of the church.  It is just unfortunate that these children are growing up in a much different situation then other kids in the United States.

Thank God has given John and Avril Thomas a vision to create an organization such as Living Hope. ( Living Hope is able to give hope, Christ, and faith to these children everyday in their lives. With Christ, faith, and hope these children can do anything they put their hearts too. 

"Its better to build a whole child than try to mend a broken man” —Avril Thomas

Finally, Some of the biggest experiences among the kids of South Africa I have learned so far is that the kids have the up most respect for their "mama's" and the "LSE's". Mama's are the women teachers & the LSE are the assistants to the teachers. So, once of the mama's speaks or gives them the look they immediatlly listen. All of us on the team can quickly see that these mama's are very special and great disciples of God because they love these kids with all their heart and invest some much in these children. 

 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

Please Check the below You Tube Video to listen and see what Living Hope is doing here in South Africa.

Hank Hoving

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