2 ways to praise

Posted by SHVteamSouthAfrica , Monday 26 September 2011 14:02

On Sunday we went to the King of Kings Baptist Church that John and Avril the founders of Living Hope started. I kept having to remind myself that I was in South Africa because it reminded me a lot of my childhood experience with church. They were very friendly and welcoming but also more quiet and reserved (not in a bad way) it's just the way it was. The message was about how sin is a master we choose. I believe everyone on our team was impacted by this especially since our word of the day that day, was obedience, what a perfect word to go along with such a strong message.

After King of Kings we went to Masi Baptist and I will tell you, even though this church has no actual musical instruments the Lord has equipped them to praise His name. I have never heard such singing in my life! The structure of their service was song of worship, short testimony, song of worship, short testimony, song of worship  short testimony, song of worship, short testimony, offering, song of worship, message and  more songs of worship. It was so great to hear so many testimonies in one Sunday service. What I remember the most was one of the young men saying "Yes, this is my testimony but I share it not for my own self, it is all for God."

I apologize in advance for my video skills :D

–Nicole Ebertowski

1 Response to "2 ways to praise"

Unknown Says:

thanks for posting Nicole. It brings back wonderful memories for me!

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